Our specialty
The widest selection of Grand Pianos worldwide with over 3 million customization possibilities in our design grand pianos. Our brands: Blüthner – Haessler – Rönisch – Irmler – Wilhelm Steinberg,
German made with delivery worldwide. So far Piano Spain/Lucid Pianos S.L. has delivered in more than 40 countries.
How to buy?
The best grand pianos brands with the most modern and innovative designs on the market …
Design Pianos
The most extensive selection of design pianos, unique and innovative. Customize your piano from more than 3 million possibilities.
Exclusive Selection
The Grand Piano is the most popular musical instrument. The Lucid Grand Piano selection strives for perfection in every detail, while providing a total design concept. Get to know its prestigious collection ofGrand Piano collection.
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(+34) 679 162 730